Ko te ahurei o te tangata arahia ō tātou mahi – let the uniqueness of the individual guide our work (adapted from a Māori proverb)
Welcome to Karin Christensen Counselling and Hypnotherapy
Karin offers counselling for individuals and couples, along with hypnotherapy for certain issues, taking a holistic, whole person approach which considers the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of a person’s experience.
Some koha services available on request.

Kia ora, ko Karin tōku ingoa. I was born and bred in Denmark but lived in the UK from my late teens for two decades before immigrating to beautiful Aotearoa New Zealand in 2009. I am the mother of a teen daughter and an adult son, and I live with my Kiwi husband in New Plymouth. My spare time is devoted to my family, friends and animals (a border collie and a lop-eared rabbit!), and faith and spirituality is central to my life.
I hold a Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and have been running a hypnotherapy practice since 2010. Realising the benefits that clients experienced from “just” providing a space to openly talk I commenced a counselling degree in 2021 to develop my skills in talking therapy. I was awarded my Bachelor of Counselling in 2024 and am a Provisional Member with NZCCA. In addition to hypnotherapy, I now offer counselling at affordable rates, believing strongly that counselling should be accessible to all.
I am bilingual in Danish and English, possess basic knowledge of French and German, and studied Te Reo Māori to full immersion from 2015-2018 with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
From pain to purpose: I have first-hand experience of many of the struggles I support people through in my mahi and my own life experiences has compelled me to help others through theirs.
My counselling approach is best described as eclectic or diverse and draws on person-centred, strengths-based, cognitive-behavioral, trauma-informed and narrative approaches to support tangata whaiora; ”a person seeking health” (acknowledgments to Sir Mason Durie). I take a holistic, whole person approach, which considers the physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of a person’s experience.
My use of clinical hypnosis/hypnotherapy is always provided on a foundation of counselling, and only where clinically indicated for a psychological or medical issue. I have experience in working with children, teens, adults and seniors from many ethnic backgrounds, and with common to complex issues.

I approach therapy as teamwork/mahi tahi and believe the key to positive outcomes is active collaboration and I strive to provide a safe, non-judgmental, mana-enhancing, inclusive and culturally sensitive space in which people can feel heard and validated, grow in self-awareness, and test out new ways of being, doing and thinking. Throughout our therapeutic relationship we will regularly review your engagement, progress, goals for, and satisfaction with therapy to ensure our work together is beneficial to you.
Karin Christensen Counselling and Hypnotherapy