Important Info

By appointment only, Monday-Saturday, in person or online (NZ only).

Please note I am not a crisis service; therefore, discussion of issues needs to be within scheduled sessions unless otherwise agreed. If you need to speak to someone immediately, please contact a dedicated crisis service.

I offer a free initial 30-minute consultation via telephone, Zoom or in person to meet and explore what is going on for you, and whether we are likely to be a good therapeutic match.

Applicable fees (or koha) are due on the day of the appointment, via bank deposit/online banking or cash.

Please provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice where possible (emergencies excluded). I reserve the right to request payment in advance of future appointments in cases of repeated missed appointments without adequate notice.

If you arrive late for your appointment for whatever reason, I may not be able to extend the appointment beyond our previously agreed duration of the session, but the usual session fee will still apply.

Anything discussed in our sessions will remain confidential, except where the safety of you or others may be at risk. I will endeavour to speak with you regarding any proposed action or discussion with third parties, however I retain the right to break confidentiality without prior consultation in exceptional circumstances.

I engage with professional and peer supervision to ensure safety, ethical and competent practice, therefore some issues that arise in our counselling sessions may be discussed with colleagues, with identifying factors removed.

Confidentiality for Couples, Families and Groups:

When couples, families/whānau or groups meet for relationship counselling, at times we will meet all together, and sometimes I will meet with parties individually. Confidential information divulged in an individual session will not be shared in joint sessions with others without prior verbal or written agreement. I generally do not encourage the keeping of “secrets” between parties as this can challenge my neutrality and create bias. Therefore, I encourage parties to allow the sharing of information, unless there may be risk of harm in doing so.

Note keeping and records:

I take session notes to support recall of our work together, these are kept secure in my office and are kept for a maximum of 10 years after our final session, after which they will be destroyed.